Our Work

Our Work

Promoting Mediation

We promote mediation through awareness creation campaigns and advocacy. We also offer affordable, internationally recognized mediation training and accreditation programs in partnership with Mediation Training Institute East Africa. Our goal is to make mediation a preferred and convenient dispute resolution method in Uganda and East Africa and thus promote access to justice.

Promoting Restorative Justice

We promote restorative justice through awareness campaigns, community outreach programs, and community skilling and training. We also prioritize the most vulnerable groups: refugees and young offenders, in our outreach programs.

Building Peace

We are passionate about contributing towards the creation of peaceful and just societies not just in Uganda but throughout Eastern Africa. We believe in building peace from the grassroots upwards. We also believe that communities that value peace and are committed to its protection are strong communities. Our programs to promote peace prioritize women and youth in line with UNSC 1325 and UNSCRs 2282 and 2250.